
New schedule.

>From 9:00 am to 6:00pm.

Whats new on it? That i actually have to be from 9:00am to 6:00pm.




Si algo no va a salir bien, no lo hago. O al menos intento terminar lo antes posible.


Dijo Jehová: Raeré los hombres que he criado de sobre la faz de la tierra,
desde el hombre hasta la bestia, y hasta el reptil y las aves del cielo.

Porque pasados aún siete días, yo haré llover sobre la tierra cuarenta días y cuarenta noches; y raeré toda sustancia que hice de sobre la faz de la tierra.

Tengo que admitir que, si bien no difundo mucho mi blog, me carcomen las ganas de leer los comentarios referidos al post.

Que bajo he caido.

Mi fox got CSS'ed

Ive "worked" on the template last week, manipulating some basic code and using some logic, i've managed to understand a little more of CSS (Cascade Style Sheet) and ended up with a nice subtle change in my blog. Worked perfectly. All the main with a gray background, and all endorsed to a lighter gray background. I was pleased. Left work with no interesting thought but figuring out what could i do with this spotless page of my own.
As im doing right now, i do many non-work-related things at "work". The lack of job lately and a "nice adjusted" computer with a "not-so-protected-web-content" allows me to navigate with the market-whore Internet Explorer while i hang my feet on top of a little drawer (which, among other useless things, i keep my Knorr Quick Instant Corn Soup.).
This being said, and missing university for a discontent feeling of pleasure, that same day i took the bus to home, planning in its travel to post about each thought it may occur to me (and the way it varies) during the travel time. Reaching home i went straight to my 4 months old 'not-so-lap'top. Of course i use Firefox at home. Who wouldnt ! Its fast, it has tabs, it makes you different for not using M$ IE, and it looks nice !. Again, who wouldnt !. I do have to admit that i got pretty (i wish the sentence would stop here) excited (Better stop it here !) with the changes ive made, not because i felt it was a hell of a job, but because i know nothing about CSS and never read anything about it. "So i was there, and i sat on my comp chair, and flipped the screen... and.. and.. oh my god, oh my god, you wont believe it !.. and.. and.. well.. i dont remember...". Oh yes, I do remember. Nothing special tho. I just started to navigate through some bookmarked pages and links and suddenly realized that this, my blog, wasnt looking exactly as the time i left work. Confused, I browsed through my pc until i found the ie icon and opened, again, my blog (such a self centered boy...) and compared the two browsers. Of course ! my firefox isnt showing the dark gray square that should be filling all the text ! It is only a small rectangle below the title and above the main !
-Como puede ser !- I said (well, i admit it would be freaky if i said at home "how could this possibly be !") and google'ed, in my firefox of course, what would be the reason of such injury to my crappy design !. Suddenly, i remember why i left my old blog in the attic. It is known that CSS does cause some problems with FireFox due to the fact that CSS was developed... wait.. nevermind.. i was to upset to find out the why. Ends up that my poor knowledge of html and CSS plus the notorious neccesity of doing nothing can do nothing to save my Fox getting CSS'ed.

Posting these lines, at my work, with one foot on top of the drawer and my polo shirt button scaping from its flap.


Cosas que me molestan :

1. Las personas, en su mayoria viejas, que saltan encima tuyo para obtener el asiento de la persona que se esta preparando para descender.
2. Las personas cuyo pensamiento establecen que merecen mas espacio que el de uno, apoyando, con conocimiento o sin ella, de sus bolsos, abrigos, etc en la espalda u hombro de uno. La situacion se agrava cuando el elemento es un paraguas. Paraguas mojado.


keep it simple.

Ultimamente he escuchado criticas al simplismo. Simplicity rocks. All things should remain simple, evitando cualquier paso innecesario que solo complican las cosas. Simplicidad requiere calidad, requiere pericia. No cualquiera puede hacer que las cosas sean simples. Simplismo es un estilo de vida. Si, mas despreocupado, mas libre y a veces peca de facilista. But dont fool yourself. Simplismo no es facilismo. Como cuando te encontras con un problema que te da vuelta la cabeza hasta que das con la idea, ese engranaje que trababa toda la resolucion, y caes en cuenta que era tan simple y te maravillas con lo estupido que puede ser algo que te atormenta.

A veces el simplismo radica un poco mas alla. Es encontrar la simpleza en el caos. Es la suma de infinitas dificultades siguiendo una forma para devenir en un patron simple, entonces, la simpleza radica en el patron. Si no piensen en como se compone una orquesta.

La simplicidad no es facilismo. No os confundais, amiguillos. Los hechos pueden ser dificiles, pero no dejan de ser simples en su escencia.

keep it simple.
one man's organization

Flag trivia


Good luck !


my old old blog.


Es lo que fue.

Nostalgia en un vaso de te.

Edit 15/11 : N.d.A. El blog era mas completo, pero dada las circunstancias en su momento, quedo devenido en una catarsis ocacional. Hoy dia es de indole nostalgica. Y que indole ! ! !